Monday, May 18, 2020

Cyberbullying And Social Media Has Taken The World By Storm

Social media has taken the world by storm, it has been used to document our social and personal lives for all our friends and family to see. Social media allows people to share something private about themselves or others with hundreds and thousands of people from all over the world. Even though this is a positive thing, allowing people to get exposure for their businesses, blogs or even themselves online; this sense of sharing privacy has become a serious issue because not all of what is shared online is seen as having a positive outcome. One of social medias biggest cons is cyberbullying and it is never addressed. We never think to address something as big as cyberbullying because to most of us, it doesn’t happen; we see it happen or we hear it happen but it never happens to us. The 2015 film Unfriended is a supernatural horror film about cyberbullying and social media that takes place entirely online on one computer screen. The film is entirely played out on an Apple Mac computer screen with its features and ad designs that have become embedded in our subconscious mind. Part of what makes this film so terrifying is the fact that it just shows that there is something uncanny and strange about living your life online. The film basically consists of a bunch of friends hanging out online in a group Skype chat, constantly switching to Facebook and instant messaging, as viewers we only see the gallery of their faces on Skype with ghostly glows in cyberspace. The main plot ofShow MoreRelatedCyberbullying And Its Effects On Society Essay1731 Words   |  7 PagesCyberbullying is a prevalent issue in our society due to the rise of technology. Teenagers and children are more connected to the internet than ever before and are in danger of cyber bullying. People can b e bullied for a multitude of reasons, the number seeming to grow every year. 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